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Senior Dating Challenges Mature Women Face

Senior dating challenges mature women face -

In my most recent Picket Fence Media column (week of August 26 – September 1), I featured Brenda, a widow, 68, who had soured on men and the overall dating scene for women age 60+.

In the article, I suggested she soften her opinion regarding the single men she is meeting, which brought some eye-opening responses from single women.

Joan said, “Your advice is generally very helpful but you can't possibly see the reality of the dating world from the eyes of a 68-year-old woman. I am generally an optimist as well as I love men.

“However, I am also a realist and what I have concluded is that finding a decent compatible man over 65 is a case of a needle in a haystack. I haven't given up yet at 67 but my eyes are seeing more clearly what the truth is.”

Joan is right. I cannot see the world through the eyes of a 68-year-old woman. Nor through the eyes of any age 60+ single man or woman who has lost a spouse or a loved one later in life. I can only try to understand and be compassionate.

An email from Ann, 70, described the dating challenges she faces.

Ann said, “I was widowed eight years ago. After about a year, I decided that I could lessen my grief if I had a male friend. I decided to try a couple of online dating sites. I found the men to be rude. One widower said his wife had received a prestigious award from the governor. Was I of that caliber.

“Another man sent me messages when I told him he was too young. He was at least 20-years-younger and apparently a member of a traveling rock band.

“Another man made himself available for conversing only at 6 am. His ‘story’ was that he was married, but his wife was disabled. He asked in his emails, ‘Do you dye your hair?’ Do you wear a lot of makeup?’

“I did go out with one man who was very nice, but married. Obviously, I ended that.

“I had a few dates with a single man, but, unfortunately, there was no chemistry there for me. At least, he was congenial and seemed to have no prior expectations. I met him at a car repair shop. We ended the relationship amicably.”

Ann stated she did volunteer work, took master gardening classes, and joined a gardening group, but not one available man showed an interest in her at these events.

She added, “I admit I am an introvert, but I have accepted that in myself, and like that about myself, and a man would have to accept that in me as well.

“I am reasonably attractive and not overweight. I don't smoke, and I rarely drink, although I am not judgmental about these habits in others.

“I have limited my social activities now. I walk my dog in the park often, and I see men my age there walking their dogs or just walking for exercise. I'm sure some of them are married, but some of them must be single. I smile at everyone I walk near, but only one man has stopped to talk briefly.

“I am not looking for a man with money to support me. I also am not looking for a husband. I am looking for a friend, a man to be friendly and nonjudgmental.

“Tom, don't advise me to get out more and be more outgoing. I am who I am. Realize that women my age do not want to spend all their time knitting and making casseroles for church potlucks. We still want a relationship, and we still want sex. The ‘invisible woman syndrome’ is not a myth. It is a very painful reality.”

I empathize with Joan and Ann and the dating challenges they face as mature women.


The above article appeared in the following newspapers:

San Clemente Times

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