Consult with Tom Blake:
Expert Advice on Love After 50 and More
Dating & Relationship Advice for Seniors/
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Often, Tom’s readers have relationship, dating, or life questions that don't warrant a visit to a therapist or a relationship counselor because of the cost. But, they need answers.
Perhaps, they simply need to bounce a question off an expert on middle-age or senior relationship issues, or, they seek a man's point-of-view. It might be a question about the way they're being treated, or whether they should stay in a relationship or purse a new one, or find a relationship in their senior years. Tom is an excellent resource to use for advice.
He's a newspaper columnist so he digs out the relevant details. He's reasonable, friendly, practical and he responds quickly and insists his clients feel they received more than they paid for.
Over the past 26 years, Tom has written more than 4,100 newspaper columns on middle age and senior relationships. He is the author of three relationship books, Middle Aged and Dating Again; Finding Love After 50: How to Begin. Where to Go. What to Do; and, How 50 Couples Found Love After 50.
He has been a featured speaker at the national AARP convention as an expert on dating after 50 on several occasions.
Tom has made multiple appearances on the Today Show (NBC-TV), and, was interviewed by Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America. John Gray, New York Times best-selling author of Men Are From Mars. Women Are From Venus, describes Tom as an expert on dating after 50.​
Consultations can be done by telephone, in person, or by e-mail. All I need is a written description of your situation before the session, so I can be adequately prepared.
Consultations are pre-paid by a personal check or by credit card. If by credit card (easiest and fastest and no waiting for a check to clear), I email you an invoice from my Pay Pal account.
The cost for a half-hour is $64.95. For an hour the cost is $107. Follow up e-mails are guaranteed. The preferred way to do it is by phone, so we can freely talk to each other.
We would set a time and then you would call me.
Your satisfaction is 100 percent guaranteed or your money back.