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Senior internet dating can lead to risky sexual behavior such as unprotected sex. Sexual safety for women is critical when having internet senior sex.


By Tom P Blake – Finding Love after 50


Women who use the Internet to meet potential mates realize every person they meet online is a stranger. They are aware that among these strangers are scammers, fakes and bad guys with evil intentions. 


Nearly every online dating site warns singles to be careful when interacting with strangers. Most women heed the advice and proceed cautiously. But, once they meet face-to-face with the strangers, too many women toss caution to the wind and put themselves at risk by engaging in risky sex.  


In 2007, Paige Padgett, Ph.D., of The University of Texas School of Public Health, conducted an online survey of 740 women who placed personal ads on the Internet seeking men. Padgett published her study, Personal Safety and Sexual Safety for Women Using Online Personal Ads in the current issue of a publication titled "Sexuality Research & Social Policy."


A press release promoting Padgett's study revealed mixed results-both encouraging and troubling. 


The encouraging aspect of the study revealed how women exercise caution when communicating with strangers: "Women go to great lengths to screen would-be suitors. The survey reported that they request photographs, check for small-talk inconsistencies, run criminal background checks and call workplace phone numbers.


"Final precautions include meeting men in public places, arranging their own transportation, giving the man's name to a friend and calling a friend before and after the encounter."


The troubling aspect of the study reveals what happens once women meet the strangers in person: "Many of the 568 surveyed women who eventually met their online dates engaged in risky sexual behaviors. Thirty percent of the respondents reported having sex on their first date. Seventy-seven percent of respondents reported not using a condom during their first sexual encounter."


Senior internet dating can lead to risky sexual  is the message in the above paragraph.


The press release explained why this reckless behavior happens: "Padgett said otherwise cautious women may engage in unprotected sex because they are lulled into a sense of 'virtual intimacy.' By the time the couples meet face-to-face, they have exchanged much information about their backgrounds, their likes and dislikes, as well as their sexual preferences."


Padgett continued, "The high level of disclosure and frequency of e-mail exchanges with men provides women with at least a virtual intimacy-a sense of a relationship that may or may not exist in reality but may encourage sexual intimacy at a faster rate than what would develop through conventional dating methods."


The Internet, because of its anonymous environment, creates a glass-like shield where people reveal more personal information than they normally would in person. Some fall in love with an image and trust that image although they've never met. It's the deceptive power of the Internet.


Women need to be aware that their Internet exchanges with online lovers can create a false sense that sex is safe with that person. When, indeed, it may not be.


The CDC, Centers for Disease Control reports that the fasting growing (percentage-wise) age group for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV is the 55-plus age group. While the actual numbers are not as large as in younger age groups, one would not want to become a statistic and saddled with unpleasant and possibly life-threatening STDs.


The CDC provides a discussion of STDs and a list of safe sex practices on its website at CDC WEBSITE.


A good discussion to have with your online virtual lover before meeting in person should include the rules regarding sex that will apply when you meet him face-to-face. He may agree to no sex when emailing, but could turn into a sex-crazed monster in person.


Even though you think you know your virtual lover on the outside, you don't know what he is like on the inside. When you have sex with him, you are exposing yourself to any STD he might have acquired via all of his previous sexual encounters. Don't take a foolish risk that could haunt you forever.


Follow up comments from the above article:


Larry, "My number one concern is acquiring HIV from strange, unsuspecting women."

June, "It takes me forever (to the male), to even hold hands on regular dates."


Anonymous, "Timing couldn't have been better as I know a lady falling for a guy 3000 miles away and is embarking on a trip back east to meet him late next week."


Ann, "I know a few older women who choose macho good-ole-boys who probably wouldn't dream of using a condom."

Another, "I not only shared this very good newsletter but took excerpts from it for Senior Friend Finder magazine in which I write."


Joe, "Do you happen to know the names of the websites the women use that are quick to have sex? LOL."


Jennifer: "Anyone who has sex with a total stranger at the first meeting is a complete fool."


Jan, I've had this discussion (I should say monologue!) with one particular man on and off for several months.  Every time the subject about 'safe-sex' is brought up, it meets with stone-cold silence and indifference. Doesn't sound very promising, does it?"


Lynne,  "YIKES! Throwing caution to the wind because you think you know someone via the Internet is foolhardy. It's still the Internet - a terrific place to make up a personality. I didn't hop into the sack on the first date, or have unprotected sex when I was 20. I certainly wouldn't do it at 50!  I like to think I got smarter, not dumber."


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