Dating Old flames worked for Lori
By Tom P Blake Finding Love After 50
Lori from St. Louis, Missouri, sent an email last week: "I am a long-time reader of your newsletter and turning 60 this year. At the end of 2013, I was tired of online dating and decided in 2014 that I would try to meet single men who were already known to friends and colleagues, also known as fix ups or networking. Or, should I try, dating old flames?
"Then, I thought, 'I can do my own fixing up.' So, I called my old high school sweetie who I had not seen in 25 years. Through a mutual friend, I had heard he was single.
"This month, we will have been together one year. Other than being slightly geographically undesirable (living 45 minutes away), we are a great match. It's still a shock to me when I look at him to see his once longer-than-mine brown hair is now short and grey. But other than that, he's still pretty much the same person I remember. We went to the prom together and dated for 10 years."
Lori provided before-and-after photos of the two of them together (see below).
Lori said, "We are both from St. Louis, although we went to different high schools. I've lived in several different cities over the years, but we are both living in St. Louis now. He never married; I'm divorced. Neither of us has kids, which, I'm sure makes things much easier in a lot of ways."
On their second first date (the one in 2014, 25+ years later), Lori said they were on a dinner date and talked until the restaurant closed. She added, "Mick asked me to marry him and we both laughed. He said, 'I should have asked years ago, and I can't believe I let you get away.'
"As we were leaving the restaurant, Mick said, 'I know this is probably inappropriate, but can I just say, I loved you then, I thought about you for years, and I'm still in love with you.'"
Lori and Mick have plans to live together and marry, but they are in no hurry. Lori said, "I've read your column long enough to know to keep my feet on the ground in the early stages, but he is truly a gem, and one of the most kind-hearted individuals I've have ever know."
Speaking on how his life has changed in the last year, Mick added, "Since Lori and I reconnected, I have had a whirlwind of emotions. This reaffirmed my faith in life and romance. I thought I had timed out in that department. But my angel came down and swooped me up. I've gone from having too much time on my hands to not having any time. But, it's all good."
Lori and Mick's story ties in nicely with the question Susan asked in the opening paragraph. When Internet dating is not working for singles, they should try something else. Networking through friends or looking around to see who might be available. And maybe checking out that old flame from years ago. The flame might still be burning. Don't let a little distance between you and someone of interest get in the way.
I also think it is wise that Mick and Lori are taking it slow before moving in or marrying. I know of too many older couples who have rushed that decision, only to regret it later.
As the before-and-after pictures show, Lori and Mick have aged beautifully.
Lori and Mick - Prom Night Lori and Mick - 2014